invoking clozure cl (hemlock) macros w/keystrokes
Mark Klein
2013-11-21 23:49:57 UTC
I’d like to be able to evaluate a function definition while my cursor is in middle, and I know there’s a keystroke for that, but I don’t know what that keystroke is. Could someone let me know how to find the list of hemlock macros, see which keystrokes invoke them and (ideally) change which keystrokes connect to which macros?



Mark Klein

Principle Research Scientist
Center for Collective Intelligence
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Visiting Reseacrher
Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group
University of Zurich
Pascal J. Bourguignon
2013-11-22 01:07:58 UTC
I’d like to be able to evaluate a function definition while my cursor
is in middle, and I know there’s a keystroke for that, but I don’t
know what that keystroke is. Could someone let me know how to find
the list of hemlock macros, see which keystrokes invoke them and
(ideally) change which keystrokes connect to which macros?
I don't have hemlock launched, but is it not just like in emacs,
C-h k <key> ?

or: M-x describe-key RET <key> ?
__Pascal Bourguignon__